White Fillings

As well as providing an effective repair for tooth decay or damage, white (or composite) fillings offer a natural-looking alternative to more obvious amalgam ones, as they are made from a tooth-coloured resin which blends in with your teeth.

They support the structure of a damaged tooth, helping to prevent further breakage and sensitivity and can be placed on the front or back teeth.

The Procedure

  1. Local anaesthetic: The first step of the filling placement appointment is a local anaesthetic. It is important to us that your dental treatment is as pain-free and comfortable as possible. Your dentist will gently inject a local anaesthetic into your gum to numb the area that will be treated. In order to allow for this to take full effect, you will usually have to wait a little while – around 30 minutes.
  2. Removal of the tooth’s cavity: As well as holes in the tooth’s surface, you may also have small areas that are beginning to decay around it too. This is all removed using a small drill before your filling can be placed. You will not feel any pain, just a buzzing sensation and some pressure.
  3. Placement of the filling: Once the decayed area has been removed, the dentist will place the filling. Once in place and bonded using a light, one of our oral specialists will apply a resin for an extra stronghold. You may also have your tooth polished for a final touch, and to make the treatment seamlessly natural looking.
  4. After the procedure: You may feel a very slight toothache once your anaesthetic wears off, which is easily remedied with over-the-counter painkillers if needed. This is an easy and pain-free procedure that not only leaves your tooth looking perfect, but restores strength, chew and bite functions.


  • The composite material is bonded to your teeth helping to restore original strength and function
  • White fillings match the shade of the teeth
  • Do not affect your teeth’s sensitivity
  • Completely risk-free
  • Smaller hole, less filing is needed to make white fillings fit
  • Non-invasive and painless procedure
  • Can be fitted in one appointment
  • Not prone to thermal expansion and contraction (like amalgam fillings)
  • Durable and can last a very long time with the correct care


A white filling will last anywhere between 8-12 years because they are strong and durable.